Friday, May 23, 2014


 This assignment was to design a CubeeCraft. We had to first o on the website and find a CubeeCraft that we liked then we had to change how it looked. After we had to draw it on an outline. We could have it printed on card stock and put it together or we could use any CubeeCraft from the website. This assignment was fun but hard. It was fun because we got to make something. It was hard because designing it for it to be different is hard because you don't know if it would look good or something. Also its hard when you put it together because if you make it wrong.

Saturday, May 10, 2014


This assignment was to make a logo about what we liked. I made it about me loving volleyball. That is because I play it and I love playing it. We had to make this in Indesign. I put my club in it because its a volleyball club.
The first, thing I did was Draw it out on a paper. Then we had to modify it and make it better. Third, we had to scan it into the computer into our folders. Fourth, we drag it to Indesign and edit it. In there we had to make the logo how smooth we wanted it and we got to change things with out having to look at pixels. After we had to add color to our picture and words but the words were optional. Last, we had to export it and save it as a JPEG.
I did like this assignment because we could make anything. A challenge in this assignment was choosing something to do. A success in this assignment was that once I knew how to do this it was easier to understand and finish. If we did this again I would change the volleyball to a monkey because I really love monkeys.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014


       This assignment was to find a quote online. Then copy and paste it to Indesign. Also we had to change how it looked. Another thing is that we had to make the quote kind of show the meaning.
       The first thing we had to do for this assignment was to go online and find a quote we wanted and liked. Second, we had to copy and paste that quote into indesign. Third, I had to change it how I wanted it. Also I edited some words to make it show the meaning of it. Then, I had to go to file and export it as a JPEG. Last I had to reply to Mr.C's message and attach my quote to it.
        In this assignment it was kinda easy because all I had to do was find a quote and edit it. I liked this assignment because the quote I chose was something that I think is really true. A difficulty in this assignment was finding a quote that I really like. Also because at first I didn't know what I had to do. If I was to make a new quote I would improve everything because I would want to make a fully new one. 

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Kristen Kauahi House Banner PD.3

I made this because I use my hands a lot and the lighting bolts coming out of the circle means I use it in two different ways by 1 helping people and doing my chores, and 2nd by playing volleyball and doing school/home work. The snow flake just shows that I like playing with snow with my hands.

Monday, March 31, 2014

KristenKauahi, Propaganda Poster. " Scruub "

The name of my Propaganda Poster is " Scruub " . I constructed this poster using photoshop. First, I took a picture of myself. Second I copied and paste it and opened it up in photoshop. Then, after that I cropped out my background. Next, I chose my 5 different colors. Fifth, I organized my layers. Then, I filled in my colors on the correct layers. Seventh, I made my border. Next, I cleaned up my lines. Last, I  put in "SCRUUB" and colored it. After I finished this poster I thought it was really nice because I like the color blue and I just think it is awesome.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


The awesome " Whankey ". Its all over the worlds ocean. Be careful when your swimming! Whankey eats EVERYTHING!  Its favorite food is chicken. Its home was in the Atlantic Ocean. Scientist, Kristen Kauahi said, that " WhAnkEy " was a big leopard printed, lizard tailed, monkey faced, deer horns, shark finned, and hippo feeted.