Saturday, May 10, 2014


This assignment was to make a logo about what we liked. I made it about me loving volleyball. That is because I play it and I love playing it. We had to make this in Indesign. I put my club in it because its a volleyball club.
The first, thing I did was Draw it out on a paper. Then we had to modify it and make it better. Third, we had to scan it into the computer into our folders. Fourth, we drag it to Indesign and edit it. In there we had to make the logo how smooth we wanted it and we got to change things with out having to look at pixels. After we had to add color to our picture and words but the words were optional. Last, we had to export it and save it as a JPEG.
I did like this assignment because we could make anything. A challenge in this assignment was choosing something to do. A success in this assignment was that once I knew how to do this it was easier to understand and finish. If we did this again I would change the volleyball to a monkey because I really love monkeys.

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